The Fleshlight - The hottest sex toy for men available today

Masturbator - Fleshlight non-descript (Pink)

Masturbator - Fleshlight sex toy(Pink) - $59.99

A masturbation sleeve ideal for those who worry about prying eyes, the Fleshlight is discreet and aptly named sex toy. Housed in a hard flashlight shaped case, it features a securely screwed on lid. Even if the lid is removed, the contents do not immediately suggest their purpose (sex toy); a rounded dome with a slit-shaped opening bears that no resemblance to genitals or adult toys.

The Fleshlight is also perfect for those who enjoy simple pleasure sex toys without illicit details. The Superskin material feels soft and realistic, offering a slender tunnel inside for maximum contact and pleasure. Twist the back cap left or right to vary from frictionless thrusting to a tight sucking sensation on each backstroke. Sleeve can also be removed and soaked in warm water beforehand for a true-to-life feel.

For best results, use with your favorite lubricant. Rinse well after each use, allow sleeve to dry completely before storing. (Male Masturbator sex toy)

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